FIrst Steps
Urban Puddle Jumpers
The books pictured below are from the activities and ideas on the First Steps pages. Each picture links to either Amazon.ca, the Indigo website or other online booksellers. If the book is no longer available for purchase, I recommend checking your school or community library and checking used bookstores.
On the Blacktop
What Makes a Shadow by Clyde Robert Bulla
Shadows and Reflections by Tana Hoban
Grassy Spaces
Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle
The Runaway Pumpkin by Kevin Lewis
Through Pa's Binoculars by Jennie Sykes-Schwenk
Rocks, Sticks, and Dirt
A Rock in Lively by Dianna Hutts Aston
If You Find a Rock by Peggy Christian
Everybody Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor
Looking Closely Along the Shore by Frank Serafini
Not a Stick by Antoinette Portis
Sam & Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett
Mud by Mary Lyn Ray
Dig In! by Cindy Jenson-Elliott
We Dig Worms! by Kevin McCloskey
Mud Puddle by Robert Munsch