First Steps in the Great Outdoors
Urban Puddle Jumpers
Getting the attention of a large group of four to seven year olds can be daunting while outside. I scaffold our outdoor experiences from small, defined boundary areas to larger ones over a period of time. Each year is different, depending on the students. I begin in our blacktop area where the children practice listening skills and get used to our outdoor routines close to the building. I eventually move out to the grassy sport field and the lower sport field where there are some small hills and nooks to explore. I have included some parent letters and general tips I learned through my experiences in Management Tips, and divided activities that I use while transitioning to outdoor explorations in On The Blacktop, Grassy Spaces and Sticks, Rocks and Dirt Play. I have also included my introductory lessons on the school iPads on the Adding iPads page. We use iPads and iPads minis for self-documentation inside and outside the school throughout the year. Photographs and videos of student learning are incorporated through many of my lessons and activites.